Thursday, September 15, 2011

Growing plants from cuttings and Native Raspberries

At the last Tamborine Sustainable Garden Club meeting there was a presentation on growing plants from cuttings. Here is what I learned:

1. Take the cutting from the section of the plant where the colour of the stem changes and it is flexible but not "floppy".  Cut more than is required and trim later to about 100-150mm lengths.
2. Collect early in the morning and put straight into a plastic bag.
3. Cuttings will keep for a few days if stored in the fridge.
4. If wrapped in moist newspaper they can be sent by mail
5. Just below a node is the most active region for plant hormones. Don't bother with rooting compounds.
6. Mix for growing = 1/3 coarse sand, 1/3 moistened coco peat, 1/3 moistened perlite.  Use more peat in summer for extra moisture retention.
7. Container - large pot = community pot  for 10+ cuttings or use tubes.
8. Cut just below a node  and remove most leaves and reduce any large leaves.
9. Place tubes in a foam box with some ventilation  and cover with glass.
10. Mist spray leaves twice daily.
11. Cuttings take in average 6-8 weeks before rooting  - some natives a lot longer.

I have done  30 odd cuttings of natives from my yard especially of species I want more off such as Grevillias.  I have tried to grow cuttings of natives before with limited success so I hope to have a better strike rate this time.

Here's a photo of some of our native raspberries - Rubus rosifolius. Taste wise they are ok  and the plant is growing really well.

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