Wednesday, September 29, 2010


More rain yesterday (15mm) so the new garden room area is boggy, muddy and difficult to work on. However, I had some river rocks delivered and have started to place them in the " creek bed". I am disappointed in the size of the stones - I used a different supplier and the size is a little small for what I would like.

We took the grandchildren over the road to the neighbours to see their horse and noticed a large dogwood (Jacksonia scoparia) in flower. This property used to be covered in native plants -  grass trees, boronias, grevillias etc until someone (prior to these owners) purchased it , flattened everything other than the large gums, inspite of a vegetation protection order, and then proceeded to dump construction waste.   We were most upset at such environmental vandalism and destruction.   He was fined by the council but happily paid as it was cheaper for him than paying dump fees.   

We have some small dogwood that I have planted but they are not really thriving where they were placed

Also a red hippeastrum -  this year the snails or slugs are eating some
of the flower petals.

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